Pit Vinandy - Science and Creativity
Pit Vinandy - Cyberpiper
The arts of communicating
Pit Vinandy, former laureate of the National Jonk Fuerscher Contest in 1980 with two projects: “Determination of trace metals in the annual rings of trees” and “Building a solar collector with optical concentrators”, participated in order to feed his appetite for science, research and the ecological question.
Pit remembers having access to an old chromatograph, put at his disposal by the team of the Rodange blast furnace, which allowed him, through a laborious process, to carry out his research for the competition.
If his career did not lead him on the research path he originally wished to embrace, Pit had the chance and the talent to transform this interest for Science and the ecological question into an artistic epic journey which will nourish his music (Cyberpiper), his puppet shows particularly appreciated by the youngest as well as the use of virtual representation technologies to convey his benevolent messages!
When asked about the topics he picked for the contest, Pit remembers the context in which nature preservation was a growing idea but still considered as a form of radical behaviour.
One of his latest projects consists of renovating an old boat and transforming it into an energy efficient mobile theater to tour the region
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